Hello, Mid-Twenties

Today, I officially exit my "early twenties" and enter the perilous "mid-twenties." I am 24. This means I can no longer blame ignorance or poor decisions on youth. I'm happy to report that at 24, I've had a few adult accomplishments. For instance, I did my taxes, successfully navigated the DMV, joined the world of smart phones, and -- after 2 years of living in the same apartment -- purchased furniture.  My one regret is... not listening to to Blink 182's "What's My Age Again?" enough during the past year (for its numerous references to 23, obviously). So here goes a few more rounds before the day is done.

Just Keep Moving

I don't remember much about my high school graduation, but I DO recall one piece of advice passed on by my Physics teacher, Mrs. Rosenthal, who was selected by students to address the Senior class:

"Just keep moving, just keep moving."

I would be lying if I said I'd consciously kept this tidbit in mind during the last 5 years, but it's been a subconscious effort nonetheless. Most of you know the story of what I describe as my post-college peril: some part-time work, two fantastic but unpaid internships, and cheap but deeply flawed housing. In the midst of it all were wonderful and supportive friends, but it was still hard to face when my future was an amorphous blob of which I could only see three months at a time.

Today, my life is a little less perilous, but the vagueness of the future persists. Two days ago, I was looking at a frighteningly open calendar and wondering... what's next? Two days later, I'm happy to report I've lined up some solid work through the New Year. The catch? I will be working overnight shifts, and my life as I know it will change significantly (more musings on this in the future, I'm sure).

Now, usually, I'm not so won over by "motivational" blog posts, but given the timing, I'm compelled to share this bit of relevant wisdom which I stumbled upon today at Gigaom. On working in spite of not knowing, the author writes:

Perhaps the biggest part of it is learning to stay the course, even when the course doesn’t yet exist. There’s no path laid out ahead of you, and you’re learning to navigate as you go. Learn to keep going, in spite of not having clear directions. Create a plan you believe is most likely to succeed by studying the cues of those who have succeeded before you, but accept that you are forging a new path in many ways, so the answers may not always be immediately available.

I am now a year out from graduating from college, and from what I've seen, it seems many of my close friends and peers are freaking the f**k out. I'm freaking out, too -- no doubt about it -- but there's a comforting solidarity in it all, this collective experience of not knowing. So be scared, freak out, cry, watch a whole lot of You've Got Mail, but keep on moving. If we just do that, I think we'll be ok.