Men of Craft in Washington City Paper blog

My "Men of Craft" story was mentioned in the Washington City Paper's Cut the Craft blog today.

Read "Let's Hear It For The Crafty Guys" here.

I'm relieved that WCP blogger Christine Ernest took my piece in jest, as it was intended to be.  After all, it's a light-hearted observation on the men I found at the craft fair.  I echo her sentiment that "there are some pretty fantastic male crafters... these days without or without the collaboration with women."

I also got a nice mention from the lovely Elijah and Rhonda Wyman of Figs & Ginger.  Read it at their blog here.

i.e.: NPR in other words

gitnerToday we premiered "i.e.: NPR in other words," an entirely intern-produced multimedia presentation.  I put in a lot of work, but a few others put in even more and I'm proud to be part of the extremely talented team that pulled it all off. More reflection on that later.

In the mean time, I urge you to check out the show at

My story "Men of Craft" can be seen, and heard, here.

If you don't have 30 minutes to spare, cruise on through to individual stories and bios.  The whole page should be a visual treat!

Finally, keep an eye out for new Gitnerblog posts in the near future.  My time is mine again soon... well, more than before, and I'll be returning to the blogosphere.

Thanks for reading as always.